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Kavli Prize Week 2024

Kavli Prize Week 2024
An overview of activities and events in Norway

Kavli Prize Week is both a biennial celebration of science as well as an opportunity for dialogues on significant research in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Held primarily in Oslo, its signature event is the Kavli Prize Ceremony, held in honor of the year's Kavli Prize Laureates.

Have you received a text message linking to a Kavli Prize Week web portal? It contains practical information about the program, transportation, attendees, dress codes etc. By bookmarking or saving the portal on the home screen of your mobile, you can easily access this information anytime. You do not need this portal to enter any of the events, but if needed, you can find your QR-code to the Award Ceremony there.

See photos from The Kavli Prize week 2022 on Flickr


Sunday, September 1:

  • 10–11 AM: Information session for guests at Grand Hotel Rococco
  • 11 AM–12 PM: Interview sessions for laureates
  • 12.30–4.30 PM: Oslofjord boat-trip for laureates and guests
  • 7–9 PM: Kavli Prize Reception at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Invited guests only)

Monday, September 2:

  • 10 AM–12 PM: Kavli Prize Laureate Lectures held at the University of Oslo Astrophysics | Nanoscience | Neuroscience. Open for the public.
  • 3–5 PM: Laureate Round Table Discussion led by Vivienne Parry and Adam Rutherford at the Academy Dining Hall. Closed session (for recording)

Tuesday, September 3:

Wednesday, September 4:

  • 9 AM–1 PM: CuttingEdgeAI Conference at University Aula.
  • 11.30 AM–1.30 PM: Reception at U.S. Embassy Residence
  • Visit to the Observatory for Astrophysics Laureates
  • Nanoscience and Neuroscience Laureates travel to the city of Trondheim

Thursday, September 5:


A booking code for Grand Hotel Oslo will be made available along with the invitation to register for events. Transportation to and from the Grand Hotel Oslo is provided for all events, and many events are held within walking distance.


Photo by Mykola Ksenofontov

Wednesday, September 4:

  • 7 PM: Evening reception and dinner for Nanoscience and Neuroscience Laureates and invited guests at The Archbishop Palace

Thursday, September 5:

  • 10 AM–3 PM: Nanoscience and Neuroscience Symposia at NTNU
  • 7 PM: Dinner for Nanoscience and Neuroscience Laureates and invited guests

More About Kavli Prize Week

Find photos and videos from previously held Kavli Prize Week events in Norway.

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